Sunday, December 6, 2009

Apparently, I'm Not Very Good At This

Well, I just realized that I haven't written anything in over a month. It really doesn't feel that long, though. Time just seems to be flying by. And that's pretty incredible since you'd think waiting for our referral to come would make the days seem like years. We have currently been on the waiting list for over four months and we are officially #3 on the boy's list, #13 on the girl's list and #3 on the sibling list. I am anticipating a call about a baby within the next two weeks or so......what a Christmas gift!!! So, at this point we've all been debating about names for our new baby or babies (still not sure how this will all turn out). I think we've decided that we'll just have to see their face first in order to know what their name should be. I'd be lying if I said I'm not beginning to get a little nervous. I'm starting to get those "Oh, my goodness. What am I about to do?" thoughts. I'm guessing that's normal. Our lives are definitely about to change in a big way. I'm not idealizing it. I have fully weighed out the cost- and I'm prepared to pay it. I know God is calling us to do this and His strength is made perfect in our weakness. Expect my next post to be an announcement of who the newest member(s) of our family will be!!!!